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' ); } showSuccessMessageAfterRemove("Successfully removed cart item"); $('#' + item).remove(); } else { // Failed to remove item console.error("Failed to remove item\nError: "); console.log(data.dataDebug); } } }); } catch (e) { console.error("Error while removing cart item: ", e); } }); }); function updateCartIcon() { var count = 0; if (!window.cart.items_count) { let tmpCart = {"freeze":false,"promo_code":"","items":[],"items_count":0,"taxes":0,"tva":0,"total_items":0,"discount":0,"total_promo_code":0,"total_tva_excl":0,"total_tva_incl":0} count = tmpCart.items_count; } else { count = window.cart.items_count; } $('#items-in-cart').text(count); if (count < 10) { $("#items-in-cart-shape").attr("style", "width: 70% !important"); } else if (count >= 1) { $("#items-in-cart-shape").removeAttr("style"); } else { $(".btn-proceed-checkout").attr("disabled", "disabled") } } function updateAddToCartButtons(addToCartBtn = null) { if (!addToCartBtn) { $('.add-to-cart').each(function() { atcBtn = $(this); let item_quantity = 1 let item_selector = $("#quantity-selector"); if (item_selector.val()) { item_quantity = item_selector.val(); } for (var key in window.cart) { if (window.cart.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var item = window.cart[key]; if (item.id == Number($(this).data('id'))) { atcBtn.removeClass('add-to-cart') atcBtn.replaceWith( 'Go To Cart add to cart icon' ) let pqty = $(".u-product-quantity") if (pqty) pqty.remove(); } } } }); } else { addToCartBtn.removeClass('add-to-cart') addToCartBtn.replaceWith( 'Go To Cart add to cart icon' ) } } function showSuccessMessageAfterRemove(message) { var count = 0; if (window.cart.items_count) { count = window.cart.items_count; // console.log("Xcount is: "+ count); } // Object.values(window.cart.items).forEach(function(item, i) { // count += Number(item.quantity); // }); $('#items-in-cart').text(count); $('#items-count').text(count); $('#total-items').text('€ ' + window.cart.total_items); $('#tva').text('€ ' + window.cart.tva); $('#total-tva-excl').text('€ ' + window.cart.total_tva_excl); $('#total-tva-incl').text('€ ' + window.cart.total_tva_incl); $('#total-tva-incl-bottom').text(window.cart.total_tva_incl); if (count <= 10) { $("#items-in-cart-shape").attr("style", "width: 70% !important"); console.log('ocunttt is : ' + count); } else if (count >= 1) { $("#items-in-cart-shape").removeAttr("style"); } else { $(".btn-proceed-checkout").attr("disabled", 'disabled') } } -->